Part of the AutoX family, Rentech was established in 2001 as a dedicated provider of renewable energy products and services. With a focus on supply­ing local and selected African markets, our product range includes inverters, lithium batteries, lead-acid batteries, and PV-panels of the highest quality. We also provide expert advice to assist customers in choosing the best product solutions appropriate for their specific applications and requirements.

As well as being a preferred supplier to the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) market, Rentech is also an established market player in the retail sector, providing batteries to dedicated solar outlets, automotive parts retail stores and the unique Wil­lard and SABAT Xpress battery special­ist channel.

What going off-grid really means

Everyone has an opinion or assump­tion about what going off-grid means. Unfortunately, many of these opinions are wrong, which can lead to unreal­istic expectations. The definition of ‘off- grid’ refers to disconnecting from the electrical grid and relying on self-sustaining, renewable energy sources.

Here are some facts and fictions about going off-grid. The first fact is that going off-grid can reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and potentially lower your carbon footprint. This of course requires significant planning and investment to establish a reli­able off-grid system for powering your home. Going off-grid can also offer greater independence and self-suffi­ciency, particularly in remote locations or in a situation such as ours where we are subject to frequent power outages.

A common misconception is that going off-grid is always cheaper than staying on the grid. While you may save money in the long run, the initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs can be significant, and consum­ers should be aware of these costs before embarking on their off-grid journey.

Another misconception about go­ing off-grid is that it translates into complete self-sufficiency. Depending on your location, your budget and the size of your system, you may still need to rely on the grid or backup power sources at times. One can either go completely off-grid or semi off-grid.

On a completely off-grid system, the connection from the national power provider is completely disconnected and the account with the energy provider cancelled, saving on monthly connection costs. Semi off-grid sys­tems can keep the national power provider connection in case of very long outages or smaller battery banks, using grid power to power appliances when/if necessary. These inverters can be set to use solar power as first op­tion, battery to assist or provide power when the solar energy is insufficient or non-existent (such as in the evening), as a second option and use utility- Eskom or generator-as third option in case of prolonged rain or in the case of smaller battery banks.

It is worth bearing in mind that despite the often-considerable invest­ment in going completely off-grid, which may take several years to see a return on investment, the installa­tion of your solar system will save you money on your energy bills over time and give you peace of mind in a time where energy provision is inconsistent. Moreover, your installation can in­crease the value of your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

If you are considering going off-grid, it is important to evaluate your energy needs, location, and budget to determine the best approach. This may involve a combination of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient appli­ances, and lifestyle changes to reduce your overall energy consumption. Consulting with a professional company in the renewable energy industry can help you make an informed decision and design a system that meets your specific needs.

Talk to experts

Rentech provides technical support and advice on design, implementation, usage and maintenance for a range of power solutions. We aim to ensure that your backup power solution achieves its optimal performance level for the full length of its intended lifespan.

Contact Rentech today at: 140 North Reef Road, Elandsfon­tein, Johannesburg, 1429

Tel: (+27)11-776-4300
