Corteva Agricience has several herbicides you need to ensure maximum yields for all your crops. That is why Corteva has now introduced new Instinct® Optinyte® product to farmers at NAMPO Cape 2024. They had trials demonstrating the benefits of the product that farmers could look at.

“We have a high rainy season in the Cape and the farmers plant a lot in clay soil here. The product helps with that,” says Henry Hoek, Marketing Manager for Corteva Agriscience.

“We believe that the Instinct product is reliable, profitable and a solution to nitrogen loss.”

Corteva’s Instinct® Optinyte® technology, a water-based nitrification inhibitor, has been developed to slow down the conversion of ammonium to nitrates and thus keep them in the root zone.

The crops for which the product is designed are maize, sugarcane and wheat.

If no nitrogen is in the soil, it affects the yield.

The Corteva team at NAMPO Cape 2024.


  • More nitrogen for the crop
  • Early development and better crop performance due to a strong root system
  • Nitrogen is available to the crop throughout the growing season
  • Efficiency – less nitrogen in the environment
  • Advanced formulation
  • Beneficial for the environment and contributes to sustainable agricultural practices.

If a farmer stabilises his nitrogen with Instinct® Optinyte®, it also has environmentally friendly benefits.

The product was used on trials at the NAMPO Cape site.

Visit Corteva’s website at for more information.