Every farmer knows how important it is to measure and weigh crop protection and nutrition products accurately for optimal crop protection and yield. 

AECI Plant Health is a company that always goes the extra mile to understand what farmers need for successful farming. They provide the solution for correct measuring and weighing of chemicals and related products to promote healthy crop growth.

Measure Smart by AECI Plant Health is a complete ready-to-use measuring kit that makes it easy for farmers to weigh and measure accurately. Accuracy matters, but it is equally important for a farmer to create a safe environment when when working with various crop protection products and product combinations.

According to Act 36 of 1947, provision must be made for the registration of fertilisers, animal feeds, sterilising plants, and certain substances to regulate the import, manufacture, and use of chemicals for the sustainability of the agricultural industry. All the equipment in the kit meets the standards for accurately and safely handling spray mixtures.

The implications of incorrect dosing or application can significantly impact a farmer’s yield. Underdosing can reduce the efficacy of crop protection products while overdosing can harm crops and increase chemical residues.

Therefore, it is crucial to measure the right quantities and ensure plant health and nutrition.

Inside the Measure Smart box a farmer will find:

  • Information sheet with calibration certificates for the equipment
  • Stainless steel scale
  • Calibration weight for the scale
  • Measuring cups (250 ml, 1 litre, and 2 litres)
  • Four syringes (20 ml each)
  • One bucket (4 litres)
  • Two measuring spoons (500 g and 50 ml)
  • One large funnel and one small funnel
  • Fifteen face masks
  • Ten pairs of safety gloves
  • Three aprons
  • Three safety goggles

This kit provides correctly calibrated measuring and weighing equipment. AECI Plant Health is a proud member of Crop Life SA and believes that the measuring kit equips farmers to meet the industry body and Global GAP requirements for good agricultural practices.

For more information, visit the AECI website at www.aeciworld.com/agrihealth.