Shell believes that agriculture is life, and they are committed to supporting farmers on their agricultural journey. Specifically, when it comes to the ‘Farm of the future’. They recently had a table discussion at the latest NAMPO Harvest Day 2024, where they spoke about the Farm of the future and the role Shell plays.

Local farmer, Mbali Nwoko spoke at the event and said that farming in the future is not just based on AI, but it includes thinking about job creation, reliable infrastructure and collaboration throughout the value chain.

Mbali noted that although we talk about the farm of the future, the future is already here. This can be seen in the different technologies already available and being used on farms. As a green pepper farmer, she is also already making use of some of these methodologies.

Mbali Nwoko, local farmer and guest speaker at the Shell farm of the future event.

She expanded by saying that farming for the future means collaboration with financial institutions and other stakeholders. Curving high unemployment rates by ensuring there are jobs for those whose roles have been made redundant due to AI. Fixing infrastructure that is currently undermanaged and underserviced, for farmers to benefit across the value chain.

Shell heard this call. By investing in the latest technology, they are committed to job creation by training individuals to manage, service and develop these new technologies. They want to understand farmers and their machinery and want to be able to provide solutions that can help farmers save on costs.

They continue to release new products that will not only save on costs but also help your machinery last longer. Products like their fuel safe and their lubricants which include temperature control, reduced wear and tear as well as their Shell remote sense service, are all ways they are trying to assist farmers.

To the young farmers of South Africa, Mbali has this advice; “You need to be very innovative, the industry has an influx of other young farmers who are just as talented as you. As young people, we need to start creating jobs. The jobs we knew existed ten years ago, might be replaced by AI today, but AI is going to be replaced by something tomorrow.”

Visit their website, to learn more about the way Shell is helping farmers.