When Ricarda Miller, Nelia Rous­seau and Nolwazi Mkize walk into a room they emanate passion and leadership. These three women sit at the head of their respectable divisions at Bayer Agriculture and Science.

They are not only role models to their col­leagues but to every young girl who is considering a career in science.

“I appreciate the passion that we receive from everyone, also the young female team members, driving innovation, bringing it to the field and showing the value of the ideas they have. It is something I have not seen so far in my career,” says Ricarda Miller is the Head of Product Development Breeding in Africa.

“I believe you must have a passion for science to be in agriculture. Wheth­er you are a female or a male, from my perspective it makes no difference,” adds Nelia Rousseau, Head of Field Solu­tions for Africa.

“I would encourage girls to choose these types of careers, because it is us that will take these solutions to our families and it is us who need to be the mouthpiece of innovation for Bayer,” encourages Nolwazi Mkize is the Head of Regula­tory Science for Africa.

Take a look at what these remarkable women have to say about their journey, the role of women in science and their excitement for the future of women and Bayer Agriculture and Science.