Vehicles are expensive and nowadays they are even quite clever, but they cannot protect themselves against damage caused by the sun and other weather conditions like storms or hail. It is up to you to do it! Besides, it is also better for yourself and your staff to get into a cool clean car after a hard day’s work.

Once you have decided to build a carport it is time to get down to the business of getting quotations and finding the best way to do it. Every time a shade net structure will kick dust in the eyes of the competition in terms of cost, ease of installation and durability. A shadeport (shade net carport) gives shade and protection without the headaches of other construction methods.

A shadeport has a structural frame with shade net pulled over the frame to provide cover for a vehicle that is parked beneath it. The frame of a shadeport can differ greatly in terms of material, method of construction, and design. You also get different colour shadeports to suit your needs.

Shadeports are quick to set up. They can be built within one or two days, whereas other carports like a steel or brick structure with roof sheeting will take much longer and you will need a more specialised person to do the work. Shade nets are available in pre-cut sizes that also makes installation easier. You can do it yourself if you want to.

Your shadeport does not have to be a permanent fixture and you do not need to hand in construction plans and get permission from the municipality to put it up. For buildings like garages you need to have plans drawn up and get permission to build.

The shadeport is also very cost-effective when compared to other carports or garages. It can also look stylish and striking. Nets can be replaced or re-stitched at a very low cost if it is damaged and for safety it can be re-stitched every 4 or 5 years.

Using the correct knitted polyethylene shade net from Multiknit can provide 95% protection against UV rays and will ensure that you vehicle is safe from hail and storm winds.

A shadeport also has ventilation protecting your vehicle against a build-up of dampness. Combined with the ventilation the shade net reduces heat build-up inside the car by 20 degrees Celsius compared to direct sunlight. This also means the air-conditioning does not have to work so hard, resulting in lower fuel costs.

There are also different shapes and sizes of shadeports to choose from. You can decide of you like a dome shape, a pyramid shape, or an arched shape. And you can even colour code your shade net with your car if you want to!

Visit Multiknit at for more information.