Changes in climate cycles through drought and rainy seasons continue to affect farmers. In the never-ending quest for improved yields, farmers are constantly confronted with new products. However, the application of unproven new technology in a production situation can be a risky business.

At Omnia, new products are first tested in the chemical laboratory, where factors such as formulation stability, consistency, possible hazards, and quality are determined. Omnia has a large and well-known footprint in Zambia and is one of the oldest fertiliser companies in Zambia.

A happy and heartful JennipherSichone, Marketing Coordinator forOmnia Zambia.

Phidelis Mubagwe, Acting BusinessDevelopment Manager for OmniaZambia.

Who is Omnia Zambia Ltd?

“Omnia fertiliser is one of the oldest privately owned fertiliser companies in Zambia. We have been in operation for more than 32 years, and that is evidence of what a trusted brand we are for farmers,” Phidelis Mubagwe, Acting Business Development Manager at Omnia Zambia Ltd, explains.

He elaborates: “At Omnia we are divided into mainly three departments. The first department is our commercial farmers which includes all commercial farmers across the country. We have agronomists in the northern, central and southern parts of the country who cater to and assist all commercial farmers. Our second department is our retail department which has our one-stop-shop solutions where any farmer can go, visit and obtain any Omnia products and whatever agricultural inputs they need. Our last department takes care of all our emerging farmers, who cater for farmers who are in between commercial and small-scale farmers.”

Chief Chibwika of Mwinilunga addressed the crowd at the Omnia stand.

Omnia at the recent AgriTech Expo 2024

Omnia actively pursues the science of growing all over the globe, but also in Zambia. The quest for growth and support to farmers were the reasons for Omnia’s presence at the recent Agritech Expo. Jennipher Sichone, Marketing Coordinator of Omnia Zambia, says: “Year after year it is such an honour for us to take part in this expo because it enables us to engage with various stakeholders from different parts of the country. Omnia Fertiliser is one of the oldest privately owned fertiliser companies in Zambia and we are excited that our products are not compromised.

“As Omnia, we believe in a holistic approach and doing things right from the start when it comes to crop production. You start with your soil before you decide to plant anything. Farming is a business and we at Omnia believe in taking hands with our farmers; we don’t want them to take any risks,” Jessica adds.

“Omnia offers farmers various services at our laboratory, for instance soil and water testing as well as leaf analysis, and we gladly assist our farmers to help them increase and optimise their yields. “One of the highlights for us at the recent AgriTech Expo was that we were blessed with the presence of Chief Chibwika of Mwinilunga, who was excited about our demonstrations and how our products are working. The Chief has seen the power of our fertiliser, and that is the message that we would also like to get out there to our farmers and other stakeholders,” she concludes.

For more information, contact Kobus Smith by calling +(26)096- 676-4351, or by sending an e-mail to You can also visit Omnia’s website at, or visit them at their offices at Omnia Fertilizer Zambia Plot number 397a/E/1/C Makeni Road off Kafue Road, Lusaka.