Here’s what you need to know about the sprayers:

  • The vineyard sprayer is available in 1000 litres to 1500 litres, comes with a 120 litres per minute pump and is equipped with an 800 mm fan
  • Fruit orchards for your core and stone fruit – Rovic Syncrospray with the 940 mm fan and the 140 litres per minute pump is the most common sprayer and is the most sold in the fruit areas of South Africa. “The Bravo system is also part of this sprayer which is variable speed and where you can pre-programme programs. You don’t have to calibrate every time you set up a sprayer and there are ten programs with which you can set it up. It is much easier at press time to give orchards the right volume that is needed”, says Niel.
  • This orchard range comes in a 1500 and 2000-litre tank

Visit Rovic’s website at for more information about the top-class sprayers.