Brendan Jacobs, Head Agribusiness SA, says: “It is such a privilege for us as Standard Bank to be involved at NAMPO 2024 once more. It is the 56th year of its existence and we have been here since year one.

We see ourselves at the heart of the bank and at the heart of the communities that we operate in and for that we have a three-legged purpose that we drive, namely addressing food insecurity, addressing unemployment and helping the economies in which we operate to grow.

Brendan says Standard Bank is very much committed to the rapid transformation of digitisation of the industry.

“In this light we have various initiatives, one of which we are very excited about, our OneFarmShare platform where we bring various parts of the value chain together. Not only making sure that we reduce waste and create opportunities for larger scale operations to offset some of the excess or produce, but also to bring into the value chain upcoming and developing farmers for a market. We all know that finding a market to offset your goods is so important. Visit our OneFarmShare platform and you will see great opportunities for collaboration.

Contact your closest Standard Bank for more details, or visit