Water is life. The farmer needs water to grow his crops and the correct quantity at the right time and place is just as important for a good yield.

Irrigation Unlimited was once again a familiar face at NAMPO with their moveable sprayers that make it easy for farmers to irrigate their crops.

Henco Cilliers from Irrigation Unlimited tells more about the equipment at their stand:

The smaller Ocmis-sprayer was also at NAMPO to show farmers how easily it works and handles.

“Our Ocmis moveable self-propelled sprayers must only be connected to a hydrant to irrigate any crop.

“No electricity is needed to make the machine work and that is a big benefit,” says Henco.

How the sprayer works:

A trailer with a pipe reel is parked on one side or in the middle of the land at a water supply point.

The end of the pipe is connected to a cart with a cannon or boom sprayer.

This cart is towed to the opposite side of the land, the water is turned on and it drives a gearbox in the pulley, which reels in the pipe.

As the pipe rolls up, it drags the cart closer, while water is sprayed all the way.

The roll-out pipe is made of high-quality polyethylene that is resistant to drag damage, and the frame is made of sturdy steel.

“The speed at which the sprayer is drawn in can be adjusted to apply more or less water per run.

The water is sprayed 30 to 60 metres wide. The Ocmis 40-130 has a 40 mm pipe that is 130 m long, and the biggest Ocmis model is 100-300,” says Henco.

“The machine does not damage the soil. It can also be adjusted lower or higher to, for example, go over maize,” adds Henco.

Irrigation Unlimited’s Rotrix self-propelled sprayer works on a similar principle as the Ocmis irrigator, but it is manufactured locally and is robust and popular across Africa.

“Farmers can irrigate 4 to 15 hectares weekly. It can also be moved very quickly and does not need power cables,” says Henco.

Irrigation Unlimited is very excited with the launch of their new product range. They are now also distributors of Afriq Water’s equipment such as their drip irrigation, fertiliser tank, water filtration and movable plastic pipes.

“Drip irrigation is manufactured locally. This is something we have been looking at for years because farmers need it with the load shedding situation. Drip irrigation can be provided according to the farmer’s needs. There is a two to four week waiting period if you order it,” says Henco.

Drip irrigation is a reliable water-saving way to ensure that your crops get the necessary water.

With drip irrigation, your water application, your stress and even your weeds are less!

Drip irrigation offers a steadier, sustainable application of water to help crops grow quickly, because more frequent, smaller doses of water are applied.

Their fertiliser tank are available in 60, 100 and 200 litres.

“The fertiliser tank makes the application of liquid fertiliser to your crops easier. The liquid fertiliser goes straight to the plant’s roots and is absorbed quickly,” says Henco.

Afriq Water’s irrigation filters extends the life of irrigation systems and reduce maintenance. Henco says: “Filters remove solids, sand, algae, slime and dirt.”

Movable pipe systems with fully galvanised steel pipes have been supplied by Irrigation Unlimited for years now.

Now, Afriq Water’s lighter and easier to handle plastic pipes are also included in Irrigation Unlimited’s range of products. The pipes can handle all temperatures, are durable and less attractive to thieves.

Find out more about your nearest distributor of Irrigation Unlimited’s equipment by visiting their website https://iunlimited.co.za/, or contact them at 012-736-2121.