I dare you: Think of any irrigation need … questions about water levels … worry about your farm’s irrigation control … And here I am with the answer – Jabeco Wireless Solutions!

They are at NAMPO Cape where they are specifically focused on irrigation control, remote control and fertigation remote control and monitoring. Some of their areas of expertise are dam level censoring, power management and bulk water management, which includes boreholes and filling up dams.

Jabeco Wireless Solutions also does environmental control for a whole range of nursery systems.

“For the irrigation control, we have the latest and modern technology for our field units, called the Meerkat,” explains Don Buchanan, who is responsible for sales and marketing in South Africa for Jabeco Wireless Solutions. “With this unit we can connect literally any digital, analogue or RS485 accessories.

Jabeco is focused on delivering effective products that simply work

“Our monitoring control system for fertigation integrates entirely with the irrigation programme and scheduling. The exact amount of fertiliser that goes into the main lines are controlled by the farmer’s requirement.” This is not only applicable to the main line, but can be controlled at every block as is required.

Don also explains that the dam level module lies at the bottom of a reservoir or dam. “We are able to control remote boreholes and pumps to fit all irrigation pumps which extract water from the reservoirs.” They are controlled relative to the level of the reservoir.

The centre pivot control module is connected to the schedule irrigation system and can integrate entirely into any of the existing centre pivot systems on the market, modern or old. “We can modernise any of those old systems onto laptop, PC or your cell phone,” Don says.

The Meerkat is on some of the latest irrigation technology.

“Lastly, we have the standalone systems, which is a control function to be used on any of the aftermarket scheduling programmes. We can connect it and remotely open and close valves in the field, as and when required.” A standalone water level controller is also available to maintain the water level in a dam.

Bulk water management modules control numerous pumps in the field to fill any number of dams. “Power management is one of Jabeco’s latest uses of our products. We control electrical systems of large industries, large farms, even municipalities.

Manage your water levels remotely via your computer or phone.

“Jabeco has the capacity to bring any technology or control system onto a PC or an app on a cell phone. This enables the user to use the EcoWeb software programme which is used for all our control functions.”

Don invites all irrigation farmers to visit Jabeco’s stall at NAMPO Kaap. They are at stand 127. To contact them, view their website at www.jabeco.co.za.