521 Meatmasters: 121 excellent registered rams, 200 registered ewes. 200 commercial ewes.
Why this is the one sale no Meatmaster breeder should miss.
Proud winner of the best small stock herd in S.A. amongst all breeds of sheep and goats in 2015 /2017 and 2019. Your scientific guarantee for the best genetics.
37th Production sale. Satisfied customers our greatest priority for 50 years of stud breeding
We offer you the product of years of dedicated scientific and phenotypic selection for profitability!
We invite you all to our 37h Production sale on 23 February 2023 at La Rochelle, Venterstad. We recommend you join us at 14:00 the afternoon before the sale to view some of the sheep on offer, exchange information, and enjoy the evening barbecue. Please let us know if you will attend the afternoon so we can prepare for the evening meal.
Transport: Transport will be available. Contact PW van Heerden 083 627 4133.
Accurate recording scientific and extremely strict phenotypic selection (what the sheep looks like) in perfect balance for maximum profit guarantees that our stud and our buyers are assured of not just the nicest looking Meatmasters but also the very best available.
No inbreeding. Our Meatmasters also consist of seven different bloodlines and sires never used for more than two years so that inbreeding never becomes a problem for us or our buyers. It is always kept at under 4%.
Purebred Meatmasters. Our Meatmasters have been pure bred for at least 10 generations and will breed true to type. The qualities the buyer sees in them and their production potential will be seen in their progeny. With first or second crosses this is not possible as you will be buying mainly hybrid vigour that will later disappear and leave you disappointed.
Our offering this year includes seven excellent proven sires among them Zondo that I consider to be one of the best rams we have ever bred, The exceptional 110 young rams have been selected out of 250 rams and this cream of the crop is undoubtably improving every year. We have made sure that everyone will get quality rams and ewes to suit their pocket. The quality of the ewes is also exceptional and all have been running with our best stud rams. Some of our rams and ewes fetch the highest prices at the national sale other sales through the year but we assure you the best are to be found only on our production sale and are sold at reasonable prices every year. This will undoubtably pay for your fuel costs for attending the sale.
Buyers unable to attend the sale personally please contact us so we can assist you with purchases and transport. The sale will also be livestreamed by Swiftvee at https://auctions.swiftvee.com/auctions/collett-farming-37th-production-sale-wAN or you can phone Swiftvee at 064 032 4839 or Vleissentraal Mario Kruger at 060 522 3906.
Sheep can also be left on the farm at the risk of the buyer for a week after the sale.
Information: www.clyntoncollett.com and www.facebook.com/superiorgenetics for photo’s information and catalogue. You can also phone 0814890198 / 0614365202 it is only a privilege to be of help.
Come and enjoy the day and learn about this wonderful breed and meet breeders from all over South Africa. Meals and drinks are free. Buyers and non-buyers all are most welcome. Clynton, Dora, Angelique en Mario.
click on the Agri4All link or the Facebook page for additional information.