Electric fencing: Securing livestock and crops

All farmers want to protect their livestock, assets and crops. Gallagher understands this need, and that is exactly why their electric fences are as good as it gets. These fences do not only ensure that the animals stay safely inside, but also keep unwanted intruders out.

Gallagher takes pride in the products they create to keep your animals safe

Gallagher provides different options in their fencing, to ensure every need is covered, like choosing between permanent and portable fencing. They also have options such as electric gates, insulators, batteries, earthing, solar panels… everything you could think of!

The S100 solar fence Energizer

Gallagher is well-known for the high-quality of their electric fencing. Not only do Gallagher’s electric fences provide a physical barrier, but after a while the animals know not to go close to the fence, and in this way a psychological deterrent is also created for animals. This dual function helps prevent livestock from wandering off, reducing the risk of loss and potential conflicts with neighbours. A standout feature of Gallagher’s electric fencing is their adaptability to different power sources. The fences can be powered through the grid, battery or solar power. The MBS6500i multi powered iSeries Energizer, for example, offers flexible power options, including grid, battery, and solar, making it suitable for various farm setups. This flexibility ensures that farmers can maintain effective fencing even in remote areas without reliable access to electricity.

Gallagher now offers a seven-year warranty on their Energizers. This gives you the peace of mind you need to take the step and invest in your own Gallagher electric fence system!

The Gallagher MBS6500i Energizer

Weigh scales for livestock

A farmer can only make an informed decision if they can rely on the data they have. Gallagher weigh scales ensures that every measurement taken by a weigh scale is accurate.

The Gallagher W-0 weigh scale is an ideal entry-level option for farmers who want to monitor their livestock’s weights. This weigh scale is not complicated to use, yet still very accurate. Furthermore, these scales are easy to set up, making it easier for beginners.

The weigh scales are built in such a way that it can undergo even the harshest farming environments and still stand strong.

These advanced features facilitate better monitoring of animal growth and health. The ability to store and analyse data helps farmers identify trends and optimise feeding programs.

With the weigh scales and EID tag system, you can easily match the animal’s weight to an ID number. This means that you can keep all your records up to date and refer to them when it is time to make important decisions, like when it is time to buy new animal feed.

A Gallagher selecting EID in action

Wireless water monitoring

Water is a critical resource for any farm, and Gallagher’s wireless water monitoring systems are designed to ensure its efficient use. These systems provide insights into water levels, flow rates, and pressure, enabling farmers to manage their water resources more effectively.

The benefits of Gallagher’s water monitoring systems extend beyond simple measurement. By providing detailed insights into water usage, these systems help farmers detect leaks, prevent wastage, and ensure that their animals have constant access to clean water. This keeps your animals in tip-top shape.

The wireless nature of these monitoring systems means that they can be installed in remote locations without the need for extensive cabling. The data collected can be accessed remotely, allowing for better resource management even from a distance.

In Gallagher Animal Management you can trust

Gallagher’s commitment to innovation and quality has made them a trusted name in the agricultural industry for 86 years. Their products are all designed with the modern farmer in mind, offering tools that enhance efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. By investing in Gallagher’s products, farmers can ensure the protection of their assets, the well-being of their livestock, and the optimal use of resources. As agriculture evolves, Gallagher remains a trusted partner to farmers, supporting them in their journey toward sustainable and efficient practices. The integration of these technologies not only improves farm operations but also contributes to a more sustainable agricultural future.

Contact information

For more information, visit the Gallagher website at www.gallaghersa.co.za, or contact them on 011-974-4740, or send an e-mail to sales.za@gallagher.com. Their products are also available from cooperatives and other distributors all over South Africa.