The modern Merino of the 21st century is more than just the show sheep of more than 20 to 30 years ago, which was then selected mainly only on appearance characteristics, based on breed standards, with the help of the hand and the eye. The Merino of today is the end product of sustained visual selection for breed standards (sometimes using linear judging) and the application of scientific selection methods.
On offer:
- +- 60 rams
- +- 100 lambs
- +- 500 ewes (pregnancy will be confirmed at auction)
- Complete animal feed factory
- Mercedes truck (double decker sheep wagon)
For more information about Majobe’s hardy and productive Merinos, call Johan at (+27) 82-455-8871 or send an e-mail to
If you want to market your auction contact:
Lynette van Tonder – 074 694 4422 –
Tiny Smith – 082 698 3353 –