The Vat 5 Dormer Group was founded in 2023 by five progressive Dormer farmers with the same outlook and goal: to breed quality Dormers for the future and offer them on auction.

The Vat 5 group members are breeders from across the country with the same breeding objectives and type. The group members are:

  • Dirk Heyman of Heyman Dormers
  • Marco Klopper of Jakkalsdans Dormers
  • Henk Pretorius of Thaba Kwena Dormers
  • Colene van der Merwe of Kalkvley Dormers
  • Johan Barnard of Johanri Dormers

Heyman Dormers

Dirk Heyman of Heyman Dormers farms in the western South Free State, near Koffiefontein, where it is quite dry, with an average rainfall of 400 mm annually.

Dirk says: “We farm with Beefmaster cattle and Dormer sheep. Our sheep graze in pastures during the day and are corralled near the house at night to prevent possible predator damage and theft.”

He adds: “Our animals are raised in the field, so we believe and trust they can adapt and perform well anywhere. We strive to breed robust animals with good growth and fertility.”

Dirk states: “In 2017, I bought my first commercial Dormer ewes and decided to register as a stud in 2020. We then decided to use good rams in the flock and apply strict selection to our ewes.”

In 2023, Heyman Dormers bought JB 20-92 Anker, a ram that significantly impacted Johanri Dormers. Dirk believes: “This is probably one of the most proven Ketting sons yet, which is now making a significant impact in our flock.”

Dirk concludes: “Our Vat 5 group consists of various breeders striving to breed the same type of animals. We are very excited about the future of the Vat 5 auction and the Dormer breed. We aim to hold a successful auction every year. Our mission is to offer high-quality sheep to our clients, contributing to the success of their flocks or studs.”

Jakkalsdans Dormers

Jakkalsdans Dormers was established in 2021 by owners Marco and Madeli Klopper on the farm Kromloop near Hertzogville in the Free State. They also farm with commercial Bonsmaras. Marco says: “Although the stud is still very young, it is managed with much love and passion. Love and passion for the breed led to the establishment and origin of the stud.”

Jakkalsdans Dormers have selectively acquired genetics from some of the top stud breeders in the country. Through grace, patience, and a bit of luck, they aim to become a sought-after name in the Dormer industry. Marco says: “We quickly realised we like a certain type of Dormer and strive to achieve that type through strict selection in our young animals.”

He adds: “Jakkalsdans Dormers have also had a significant impact on our commercial Dormer flock by using our rams in the flock, thus increasing the quality in our commercial flock.”

Jakkalsdans Dormers aim to breed a fertile, adaptable animal that will be an asset to any flock and breeder. Marco says, “Good conformation, uniformity, width, and good legs are high on our list of requirements when it comes to our sheep. We breed a meat breed that must have a large frame, and good legs are important to carry the frame.”

When asked why the Dormer breed, Marco answers: “Why not?” He says: “A Dormer is known for its fertility, good mothering abilities, and growth. Ewes that produce multiples and care well for their lambs with plenty of milk, and then the lambs grow before and after weaning like no other lamb, and therefore I cannot think of a reason to not choose Dormer.

“The Vat 5 group was established for the younger breeder. We are a few young and esteemed breeders in the industry who truly want to pursue the best quality, with the same goals. I see a great future for this auction, and we as a group are breeders who truly share a great passion with much energy and big dreams. It is important for us as a group to maintain the quality of the auction from the outset with our first auction and to continue this in the years to come,” he concludes.

JB 22-145 Klopper

Thaba Kwena Dormers

Thaba Kwena Dormer Stud is located in the heart of the Waterberg in Limpopo. Thaba Kwena Dormers are part of Thaba Kwena Farming, which includes a Bonsmara stud and crocodile farming.

Thaba Kwena Dormers’ number one breeding goal is fertility, alongside other breeding values, as they aim to generate the best genetics possible in the stud.

Henk Pretorius, owner of Thaba Kwena Dormers, says: “With a focus on strict selection according to high-producing, fertile animals, including twins and triplets, good mothering abilities, good milk production, and genetic breeding values, our mission is to meticulously manage our stud according to breed standards.”

Henk further shares that the challenge of tick-borne disease in the core stud has been overcome, and the new generation is flourishing in the heartwater environment.

At Thaba Kwena Dormers, performance tests are conducted very accurately, and especially post-weaning information plays a crucial role in selection. Only the best is good enough! The Dormer, which is strictly genetically selected for growth, has no equal in the feedlot. Thaba Kwena boasts feedlot lambs with an incredible average daily gain (ADG).

Henk is excited about what the future holds for the Vat 5 group: “I think this provides us as young emerging Dormer breeders who breed the same type of animals, the opportunity to make our mark and grow from strength to strength together.”

Kalkvley Dormers

Kalkvley Dormers is based on the farm Rietfontein, in the Williston district in the Northern Cape. Colene van der Merwe, owner of Kalkvley Dormers, says her goal is to breed fertile, adapted, functional animals with good meat characteristics, balance, and type.

She states, “The animals have proven themselves remarkable by producing in extensive conditions where the average rainfall is 100 mm per year. It is therefore a sheep breed that can produce optimally in both extensive and intensive conditions. It is a highly fertile breed that lambs easily and also performs excellently in crossbreeding.”

Her vision for the Vat 5 Dormer Group is to offer animals of high quality that provide any buyer with good genetic progress.

Johanri Dormers

Johan Barnard farms in the Lindley district in the northeastern Free State. He registered his Dormer stud, Johanri Dormers, in 2005.

Johanri Dormers is now an established stud and has made a name for itself in the early years by offering top-quality animals at national auctions.

Over the years, the stud has regularly achieved top prices for its animals and currently holds the national record for the most expensive SP ram and SP ewe ever sold at auction. Annually, top commercial animals are also sold from the stud, and Johanri Dormers also holds the national record for the most expensive commercial ewe ever sold.

Johan says he farms with Dormers not only because he loves the breed but also because it is undoubtedly the most beautiful sheep breed in the world to him. Johan believes: “It makes economic sense to farm with Dormers because of their high fertility, good mothering abilities, and tremendous growth of the offspring. Dormer rams are also in great demand for crossbreeding to add value to wool breeds such as the Wool Merino and Dohne Merino.”

Johan applies a very simple principle when it comes to breeding: “Breed the best with the best!”

He says: “To know what the best is, you must know your sheep and move among them. This requires a lot of hard work and, most importantly, the blessing of our Heavenly Father.”

Johan feels privileged and excited to be part of the Vat 5 Dormer Breeders Group. He also believes that the quality animals offered at the auction will distinguish this group from just another production auction.

Johan Barnard of Johanri Dormers with JB 20-99 Spiekeries.

Make sure not to miss the auction of top-quality Dormers from top breeders in the industry. Save the date: September 28, 2024, at Parys Afridome.

On offer:

  • 40 SP and commercial rams
  • 50 SP ewes
  • 150 commercial ewes

For any inquiries, contact Piet Wessels at 082-857-7827 or Jan Mostert, the auctioneer, at 083-306-8408. You can also contact BKB Kroonstad at 082-940-1967.