With NAMPO Cape just around the corner, the Drotsky team is very excited to shake hands again with Western Cape farmers. This will be Drotsky’s third year at NAMPO Cape, and although they cannot bring all their equipment, their exhibition will definitely be one you do not want to miss.

Farmers are Drotsky’s focus, and they use opportunities like NAMPO Bothaville and NAMPO Cape to connect with existing and new clients. For the team, it is important to learn more about the needs of the farmers.

At NAMPO Cape, Drotsky’s team learns more about farming in the Western Cape so they can adapt their equipment to perfectly suit the Cape’s conditions and needs.

Visitors to NAMPO Cape will have the opportunity to view a demonstration model of one of Drotsky’s feed mixers. There will also be plenty to see and learn.

The Drotsky team shares their excitement about seeing new and familiar faces and discussing the possibility of feed factories and plants in the Cape.

Come chat with Drotsky’s technical staff in the Voermol Hall at stall 208.

The Drotsky team is ready to welcome showgoers at NAMPO Cape and share more about their top-quality products.