After a successful harvest, it is time to get your fields in order again, but stubborn stalks can take a long time to break down, damage your tires and delay your tillage time. It is especially necessary for these stalks to break down before you can send in your conventional planters and for them to be able to do their job properly. Myburgh Toerusting’s harvester roller is just the machine you need.

Jannie Myburgh says their harvester roller saves money and precious time.

“I break up my stalks while I harvest but my neighbour first waits for his cattle to consume the crop residue before he puts down his roller. This means that my roller starts working two to three months before his, and the stalks that have been broken up can already start to break down, while his are still solid reeds until the cattle have finished grasing,” he explains.

This roller also has no effect on the cattle’s appetite. Where a normal roller leaves dust on the remains which can discourage cattle from eating, the harvester roller feeds the residue through the harvester, so that the cattle’s food does not lie on the ground where the roller breaks down the rest of the stalks. This means you can roll your field before letting your cattle graze.

A roller is normally a heavy tool that uses a lot of diesel, but Myburgh Toerusting’s harvester roller bolts to the bottom of the harvester table. Meaning you use the weight of the table to roll the stalks and break them finer.

And if you want to work the stalks into the soil, one single tillage is enough to get it done and you can continue with the next tillage without the stalks dragging along or clogging.

The harvester roller uses the weight of the table to break up the stubble.

“The idea of ​​the table roller originated as a cost-saving initiative. The table roller is much smaller and lighter, because it uses the weight of the table. This means your costs are next to nothing. It goes where your harvester will go anyway,” explains Jannie.

The simple design simply bolts to the table’s frame. The blades have also been made smaller so that the harvester roller can still effectively flatten the stalks, even where a row cleaner has been used.

It is a challenge to design a table roller that fits all tables, so Myburgh Toerusting will design a series of table rollers that adapts to the specifications of different tables.

“The idea is that we do not have to install it for the customer. You buy it and simply bolt it on. It is also designed in such a way that it is not in the way of your table cart,” says Jannie.

Make quick work of stubborn stalks with the harvester roller.

A major benefit of this machine is that it prevents damage to your machines and vehicles. The stalks that can destroy your tires are now flattened so that your harvester, other tillage machines and even your bakkie can just drive into the fields.

To get pesky stalks out of the way quickly and more cost-effectively, while protecting your assets, contact Myburgh Toerusting today and order your harvester roller. Visit their website at to learn more.