Every input on the farm costs money – diesel, labour, time, fertiliser, seed… This means that the farmer must squeeze the most value out of every cent and not waste anything. One way to save money and increase yield is no-till, a system where the soil is disturbed as little as possible and as much crop residue is left on the seed bed to conserve moisture, promote soil life and improve soil texture. But for that you need a planter that can stand its ground.

Wynn Dedwith farms outside Parys in the Free State, where he manages a large crop and dairy farm, and he is also the founder and owner of Valtrac, the leading supplier of excellent tractors and agricultural implements. Wynn is happy to talk about no-till planters and their benefits for your farm.


During a visit to Brazil and Argentina in the late 90s, Wynn was exposed to no-till cultivation for the first time. This piqued his interest immediately. He says: “I then experimented a bit with a no-till on a field here on the farm.”

Wynn says: “At the time, we ploughed and planted in the conventional way, and at the end of the season the soil was so hard that you could not even push a soil sample stick into the ground. Moreover, there was no organic matter in the soil. But in the field that was not cultivated, it was a different matter. This made my head spin and that is what inspired me to plant with no-till planters.

“From the first year I planted with the no-till method, I have not yet had a loss in yield. Especially in the drier years, the mulch you have on top of the soil is incredibly valuable. It is almost like a blanket on the ground that protects your soil and limits the evaporation of the moisture in the soil. Year after year I could see how my soil and soil structure improved,” he says.

Wynn believes: “I also realised that no-till does not necessarily mean one hundred percent no-till. When you get problems or compaction, or when the harvester has trampled the land, you still have to do something about it. In the end, everything is about managing your soil.”

Advantages of no-till

The aim of the no-tillage system is to disturb the topsoil as little as possible and leave as much organic matter and plant residues as possible on the soil.

Wynn highlights the benefits of no-till: “No-till reduces erosion, increases the water holding capacity of the soil, reduces water runoff, conserves moisture, increases the activity of micro-organisms, reduces compaction, saves time and fuel and lowers your total production costs and capital goods.

“Over time, you will also notice that your weed pressure decreases,” he adds.

When you talk to Wynn about no-till, his enthusiasm is contagious! He declares: “If I have to stop no-till, I will stop farming!”

Valtrac’s no-till planters

Wynn says: “In 1998 I imported the very first Tatu no-till planters and Jumil were direct importers at that stage. We started a second company at the time, called Crop-Tech, after which Jumil approached us to become the importers and distributors of Jumil planters as well. Over time, we incorporated the two companies.”

He says: “Since we started importing the Tatu no-till planters, we have had great success with them and some of the first models are still running today!”

Today, Valtrac offers both Tatu and Jumil no-till planters to farmers. One of their flagship models is the Jumil Global Max no-till planter.

Jumil Global Max no-till planter

The Jumil Global Max no-till planter has changed the way crops are planted.

Wynn says: “This planter offers unprecedented accuracy and productivity thanks to its new technology and advanced features. The construction of the planter allows for accurate planting, which in turn guarantees uniform spacing and minimises seed wastage.”

Wynn says: “The Jumil Global Max planter is manufactured with high quality materials and the latest technology that will last through even the most demanding farming environments. The planters are robust and the high-quality construction and materials mean that you do not have to replace them as often, and that they will continue to work reliably for a very long time.”

This planter’s cutting-edge components enable farmers to make well-informed choices that improve crop yields while reducing resource waste. The planters are built very strongly and parts are easily available.

Wynn says that the planters require little maintenance: “The planters’ bearings are incredibly good and strong. We receive feedback from customers who testify that they cannot believe how cheap and easy it is to maintain the planters.

“When it comes to precision, efficiency and sustainability in agriculture, the Jumil Global Max planter is a leader,” says Wynn.

Most important characteristics when considering a no-till planter

Wynne shares: “One of the most important things farmers should look for when considering a no-till planter is to make sure the planter has decent coulters in front. If you cannot cut through your stubble, then your planter will not plant.

“The planter unit at the back must be heavy enough to penetrate the soil properly. If your planter does not stay in the ground, you will not get a constant planting depth,” he says.

Wynn’s advice to farmers who want to switch to no-till farming is: “The most important thing is that you make sure your soil is right. Your pH and lime application must be correct, and you must make sure you do not have compaction layers in your soil. It is much to improve your soil before you switch to no-till than after.”

Wynn invites any farmer interested in obtaining more information about no-till farming or no-till planters to contact him at (+27)82-554-9202 or (+27)56-817-7338, or e-mail sales@valtrac.co.za. Visit the website www.valtrac.co.za to see their entire range of equipment.