The Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) welcomes the address by the Republican President, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema at the fourth session of the 13th National Assembly. As farmers we applaud the significant increase in the agricultural financing facility from ZMK400 million to ZMK1,2 billion for the 2024/25 farming season.

This increase is a positive development aimed at expanding support for the agricultural sector by including additional crops, livestock, and aquaculture in the facility. The development could not have come at a better time when farmers have been selling the little livestock like small ruminants, chickens, you name it, to raise resources for household sustenance and farming.

It is gratifying to note that the number of participating financial institutions too has increased from five to nine, with expectations that more banks will join in due course. This expansion will provide broader access to financing, allowing more farmers to benefit and ensuring the inclusion of diverse agricultural activities. An immediate appeal here is to the Ministry of Agriculture to publish the
guidelines for one to access this facility and details of which are the participating banks. This information is very important as preparations for the new farming season is already underway and as such, timely access to this financing facility becomes of paramount importance.

On the FISP developments, the Union recognizes that some Districts are currently under the Direct Input Supply (DIS) system, and this is mainly in areas that have inherent connectivity challenges hence the limitation to participate under the e-voucher. Further, the advantages and disadvantages of the e-voucher system are recognized. Therefore, given the massive crop failure following the severe drought that struck key maize growing areas last season in the Eastern, Central and Southern.

Provinces there is a compelling case to target distribution of inputs using the Direct Input Supply (DIS) system in these key areas. This is for a very simple reason that these provinces are the “maizebelts” of Zambia and the current maize balance sheets are lowest, making it only prudent that input distribution is done with precision and minimal risks of diversion through the DIS system to guarantee that farmers receive the inputs and grow maize. Farmers will welcome this change if it is adopted.

On the energy front, the ZNFU took cognizance of the pronouncement by the Head of State regards the commissioning of the construction of the 300 megawatts thermal power plant in Maamba although this power plant is expected to come on stream by mid-2026. Further, we heard that to diversify the energy mix and address the country’s current power deficit, ZESCO limited, with various partners, including those from China, is spearheading the development of several solar electricity projects. This is in addition to several private sector initiatives.

The Union further welcomes the development and commitment in the ICT sector where the Head of State indicated that to enhance digital inclusion and connectivity in the unserved and underserved areas, government is undertaking nationwide construction of 202 communication towers, and this is also being complemented by the private sector who are set to construct 212 towers. We welcome
this development noting that it has been a long cry from the farming community who predominantly have their operations domiciled in these rural areas.

It was gratifying to note that over 2,980 kilometres of feeder roads were rehabilitated and maintained by local authorities throughout the country with the support from the enhanced Constituency Development Fund (CDF). We can only encourage government to continue with this programme as feeder roads make it possible for farm produce to move to the markets and inputs to reach the farms more easily. The ZNFU further appreciates the pronouncement that great attention will be placed on protecting headwaters, water catchment areas and water bodies from encroachment, degradation and pollution. This is a welcome development which has been of concern to farmers for a long time as activities in these areas go on unchecked despite their catastrophic long-term effects on national water sources. The Union will work closely in complementing government efforts by identifying and mapping such important resources.

In a nutshell, the Union commends the government for its continued efforts to promote and support growth of the agricultural sector, which remains a key driver of Zambia’s economy. The increased funding will enhance productivity and innovation, helping farmers to diversify and boost production in areas that were previously underserved. We also take the opportunity to offer government our
structures that can be used to convey information like weather data and other such important information to the farming communities.

ZNFU is confident that the bold pronouncements will contribute to the transformation and growth of the sector, improve food security, income generation, and rural development. We reiterate our commitment to working closely with all stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of these pronouncements.