freeze branding

Freeze branding: a cool way to make your mark | Visit Dry Ice at NAMPO 2024

Don't miss Dry Ice at NAMPO 2024! Dry Ice offers new ways in which you can freeze brand your cattle that is quick, easy and painless. Visit their stall at NAMPO 2024 to hear more abou...

10 May 2024 · < 1 min read

What is cool about freeze-branding? Dry Ice International has the answer

Every farmer cares for his cattle. One sign of care would be to switch to freeze-branding. Caring is only one of the reasons why so many stud breeders and commercial producers prefer thi...

28 Feb 2024 · 4 min read

Why freeze branding is used as a superior method by farmers

CryoBranding or freeze branding was developed by Dr. R Keith Farrell from the Washington State University in 1966. Branding cattle and horses with extremely cold branding irons cooled by...

19 Dec 2023 · 4 min read

Livestock branding part 4: Freeze-branding

Many farmers rely on branding or marking livestock not only as a means of establishing ownership, but also to contain useful information, such as the animals' birth dates and registratio...

28 Nov 2023 · 9 min read

Dry Ice 4 Farming – This branding method with dry ice has many advantages

For any farmer, the welfare of his livestock is very important. It might also help to spare the animals from the negative effects of traditional branding methods, such as trauma, skin da...

16 Oct 2023 · 3 min read

Dry Ice is your best ally for painless cattle branding

Branding is a common method of marking cattle, but old methods with hot irons are unpleasant to man and animal. Freeze branding is a much kinder alternative as there is no pain involved ...

5 Jun 2023 · 3 min read

Why freeze branding is being used as a superior method by farmers

CryoBranding, or "freeze branding," was created in 1966 by Dr R. Keith Farrell of Washington State University. When cattle are branded with extremely cold irons using dry ice, the natura...

5 Apr 2023 · 4 min read

Dry Ice International brings freeze branding solutions

Freeze branding is not new, it is a method of identifying cattle that goes back decades. Whether identifying animals is done for legal requirements or simply to make farm management easi...

2 Dec 2022 · 8 min read
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