
Honey I’m home: Turning wild bees into cash in Zimbabwe

Unemployed women in Zimbabwe’s second city are turning to nature to earn a living as they collect wild honey to sell in the country’s major cities. Honey has proved to be popular ...

18 Sep 2023 · 3 min read

Apimondia focus: Best bottle of liquid gold

Clayton and Roxy Sanders-Perrin’s Wildflower Honey won a special award for what judges believe could be the best honey in the world at two recent honey competitions, namely the Cape Ho...

5 Sep 2023 · 9 min read

Beekeeping part 10: Harvesting and marketing of honey

Once a year, usually in late summer, depending on rainfall and forage availability, honey is harvested from the hives. In Part 9 we learned that the hive consists of the brood chamber...

15 May 2023 · 8 min read

Turn your crops into condiments and seasonings Part 8: Honey’s sweet rewards

When farmers use their raw products produced on the farm to make refined products that can be sold to the retail or wholesale markets, they add value to their products and boost their pr...

2 Aug 2022 · 5 min read

Turn your crops into condiments and seasonings – Part 2: Introduction and honey production

Cottage cheese is categorised as a cultured dairy product. It is the product obtained from coagulated milk, cream, partly or wholly skimmed milk, reconstituted (prepared) milk, or a com...

25 May 2022 · 11 min read
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