Farming has changed so much over the years, from having to drive out to your centre pivot just to start it, to troubleshooting and scheduling your irrigation system from your phone, whil...
Rotrix’ various travelling irrigation units make watering your crops easy. They are also available in Africa. Advantages of choosing Rotrix traveling irrigator over other systems ...
A love for this country and for farming Bakkies Botha, a name synonymous with talent and perseverance on the rugby field, does not have just one passion in this life. Just as deep, ev...
Let’s be honest – some of the country’s laws and regulations are like water off of a duck’s back to us. Maybe because they are too complicated, maybe too much trouble, or maybe b...
For Bakkies, farming is not just a profession. It is a way of life; a calling that connects him to our Creator and the soil of our beautiful country. His heart beats for the rich, fertil...
Agrico - good enough for Bakkies, good enough for you!
South Africa's almond industry stands on the brink of a new era filled with growth and opportunity. With the country's favourable climate and soil conditions, more farmers are beginning ...
Farming technology puts you in a position to fully monitor your pivots and make proactive decisions. Hennie says he no longer has to drive to the pivot to switch it off and on. Being ...
After nearly 40 years, Johan Hanekom (70) and his wife from Brits decided to settle in Broederstroom. Johan had farmed peppers and cucumbers for many years. In Broederstroom, he wanted t...
Whichever irrigation system you are looking for, Rotrix will have it for you! They have the most cost-efficient travelling irrigation systems available in Africa, that will maximise your...