Kriek Meatmaster stud, built up by Pieter Kriek and his father, Carel Kriek, will hold a general sale on the 29th of July, at 11:00 a.m. Modderfontein, Heidelberg. On offer: 200 ...
521 Meatmasters: 121 excellent registered rams, 200 registered ewes. 200 commercial ewes. Why this is the one sale no Meatmaster breeder should miss. Proud winner of the best small...
Charles Freeme, President of the Meatmaster Sheep Breeders’ Society South Africa, is a full time farmer doing Meatmaster Stud breeding and also have various other interests in small st...
If you are looking for sheep that adapt well to different climates, an animal from Sterkfontein Meatmasters might just be the answer for you! "These animals adapt very well. We sell h...
CdP auctioneers invite you to the annual Leliekraans Meatmaster Production auction to pick from top genetics to add to your farm. There will be a variety of animals available for bidd...