John Deere is at the forefront of precision agriculture, providing innovative solutions that enable farmers to optimise their operations, increase productivity, and promote sustainable p...
In the quest for increased agricultural efficiency and productivity, Reinke Manufacturing has forged a significant partnership with CropX. This collaboration combines Reinke's advanced i...
Looking at the Optima TFprofi SX PUDAMA precision drill from Kverneland, Jupidex travelled to Germany to witness this agricultural innovation. Discover the PUDAMA technique, a revolution...
Visiting the Kverneland factory in Soezt, Germany, the Jupidex team from South Africa was the only privileged individuals from Africa to attend the press conference. Representatives f...
Navigator GPS provides unmatched accuracy and precision guidance for your irrigation system, making your job easier. With GPS guidance, buried wires are not needed. It has improved pr...
Pioneer understands that precision farming is more than the technology in your tractor and how you prepare your seed bed. It is also about your seed and the result you see in your plant'...
You may have heard soft rumblings of the next best thing in agriculture, of the future of agriculture, the new face, and new way of doing things? Precision agriculture is one of many ...
The key to successful crop farming is planting the right product on the right hectare. And the way to determine what is the right product for the right hectare, is to plant trials. This ...
Many farmers consider precision farming to be the first step on the path to financial success. The confidence and knowledge provided by Jupidex's precision technology enable farmers to g...