It is a known fact that rainfall and climate have an influence on veld and grass production. It is therefore important to know that the veld and the nutrients it can provide at a spe...
A ready-mixed phosphate-salt-trace mineral and protein supplement for ruminants. The phosphate source of KimtraPro 20 is Yara Animal Nutrition’s Kynofos 21, a high-quality MDCP. ...
Phosphate is thé essential element involved in energy and nutrient metabolism in the body. A deficiency of this mineral has a negative effect on the production (eg. milk production) and...
The main purpose of winter supplements is to supplement the nutrients that the field can no longer provide, in order to optimize the utilization of the available pasture. It is therefore...
Yara Fertilizer is an international fertiliser manufacturer and distributor that aims to re-establish their footprint on the African soil. At the recent Val farmers' day, their goal was ...
As forage matures, its quality, and especially protein content starts to decline. To sustain healthy animal production one needs to supplement the veld with the nutrients the veld can no...
"It was truly a privilege and a blessing from day one to be in agriculture," says Chrisna Heuer, marketing manager in South Africa for Yara Africa Fertilizer (Pty) Ltd, an international ...
The President of the British Royal Academy, Sir William Crookes, warned that a lack of food security could pose a danger to England and other prosperous nations in the foreseeable future...