In the quest for increased agricultural efficiency and productivity, Reinke Manufacturing has forged a significant partnership with CropX. This collaboration combines Reinke’s advanced irrigation systems with CropX’s innovative soil and crop monitoring technologies, offering farmers in over 40 countries a cutting-edge solution for the best crop yield.

Innovative technology for precision agriculture

CropX specialises in on-farm irrigation and soil sensors that provide crucial data on soil moisture, temperature, and electrical conductivity. These sensors are strategically placed in the fields to collect real-time data, which is then processed to offer valuable insights into soil health and crop requirements. By integrating these sensors with Reinke’s irrigation systems, farmers can achieve unprecedented control over their irrigation practices, ensuring that water is applied precisely when and where it is needed.

ReinCloud platform: Centralised control and monitoring

At the heart of this partnership is Reinke’s ReinCloud platform, which serves as the central hub for all data collected by CropX sensors. The platform allows farmers to monitor and control their irrigation systems remotely, providing real-time updates and recommendations based on the data collected. This centralised approach not only simplifies the management of irrigation systems but also ensures that decisions are based on accurate, up-to-date information.

Direct ET by CropX: Field-specific insights

A standout feature of this collaboration is the introduction of the Direct ET by CropX, a first-of-its-kind pivot-mounted sensor. This innovative device measures field-specific crop water use, providing precise evapotranspiration data that helps farmers determine the exact water requirements of their crops. By using Direct ET, farmers can avoid over-irrigation and under-irrigation, both of which can negatively impact crop yield and resource efficiency.

The CropX soil sensor collects real-time data on soil health and requirements.

Benefits of the Reinke-CropX partnership

  • Enhanced crop yield: By providing precise irrigation tailored to the specific needs of each field, farmers can significantly increase their crop yield and quality.
  • Resource efficiency: Optimised water usage reduces waste and ensures that every drop of water contributes to crop growth.
  • Cost-effective solutions: The integration of advanced technologies minimises the need for manual intervention and reduces operational costs.
  • Sustainability: Efficient water use promotes sustainable farming practices, conserving vital resources for future generations.

Real-world applications and success stories

Farmers utilising the Reinke-CropX system have reported substantial improvements in crop health and yield. The system’s ability to provide detailed, actionable insights into soil and crop conditions has enabled farmers to make informed decisions that enhance productivity and sustainability.

The Reinke-CropX partnership represents a significant advancement in precision agriculture. By combining cutting-edge technology with practical farming solutions, this collaboration offers a comprehensive approach to bettering crop yield and resource use.

Contact information

Farmers looking to enhance their agricultural practices can find more information on the benefits and implementation of this innovative system by visiting Reinke’s official website at Find your nearest Reinke dealer at